Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Greetings from Buenos Aires

hey troops!

i made it to Buenos Aires in one piece and am glad to have a room with a fam. The hostel in Córdoba did not have a fan so you just sat in your sweat. yummmmmmy...

i celebrated my birthday by going to some club with some people from the hostel and ended up leaving early because the obnoxious techno music was wearin me out. That and it is pretty boring when you cant talk to any of the ladytypes because the techno is drowning out any hope of communication. *sigh* my boyish good looks can only get my so far...

The mullet and unibrow here in Buenos Aires is alive, well...and breeding. Someone, please send some barbers from the States to take care of the mullet epidemic.

im gettin tired and my bro is comin tomorrow morning. Pretty excited to spend the holidays with at least part of the fam. but its still gonna be kinda weird not to be home for the holidays.

back with more when i get some free time...




Anonymous said...

Did Jon make it down there? Did he take advantage of free beverages on the plane? Could he walk off the plane? Are you planning a big Christmas feast with turkey, dressing, and the works?
Take care. Love, Shelley

Anonymous said...

I took at look at one of your links - the one by the two Irish lads.

I liked the photo + caption where you're folded in thirds at the knees and waist and then once again in half length-wise as you pinch your shoulders together trying to fit through a stone doorway.

The caption: "Big Game James was too big"

Keep 'em comin',
